Dansbana! Kalamis creates a place for dancing in the city. Developed in dialogue with the Kadıköy Municipality and local dancers, the design is inspired by the underwater world and the geological richness of the area, located on the bank of the Bosphorus. The intervention is a dance platform equipped with bluetooth speakers, allowing anyone to dance to their own music, morning till evening, every day. Dansbana! Kalamis is a permanent installation in the park, with the aim to create a new meeting spot in Istanbul for dancers of all kinds.

Statistics show that many public spaces for outdoor activities, such as football fields or skateboard ramps, are primarily used by boys. Girls are heavily underrepresented as users of public spaces, and Dansbana! was created with a desire to change that through dance. The design of a shell as background for the dancers evokes the famous Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus, a subordinate depiction of women, to propose instead an active, empowering representation.
